Cover Pic: Heading towards the Future. Motorcycle Driver in Quang Trung Street, Go Vap District of Ho Chi Minh City © 2008 Christian Berg / Saigon.
Managing editors of this issue: Dr. Michael Waibel & Julia Albrecht
- Michael Waibel & Julia Albrecht
Editorial - Belinda Helmke
The Absence of ASEAN: Peacekeeping in Southeast Asia - Dorottya Atol
The NGO zone: Asian non-governmental organisations’ role in shaping the human rights of the region - Caroline Orchiston
Natural hazard monitoring in New Zealand: Implications for Tourist Safety - Ann-Kathrin Ott & Adrian Klaus
Pacific News Pictures: Arbeitsmigranten im Großraum Ho Chi Minh City: Prekäre Wohnbedingungen in sogenannten Boarding Houses - Michael Waibel & Ronald Eckert
Climate Change and Challenges for the Urban Development of Ho Chi Minh City / Vietnam - Marion Struck-Garbe
Interview Basil Peso zum Thema Klimawandel und Migration auf den Carteret Inseln, Papua Neuguinea - Bettina Volk
Lokale Interpretationen eines gewalttätigen Konfliktes auf Pantar, Ostindonesien - Bert van Dijk
Towards a New Pacific Theatre – An intercultural approach