Cover Pic: Liebig-card showing a Samoan dancer. There is no arch harp in Samoa! © Private collection: Hermann Mückler
Managing editors of issue#45: Michael Waibel, Julia Albrecht & Matthias Kowasch
- Hermann Mückler
19th and early 20th century trade cards about Oceania as tools of information, education and propaganda for European colonial powers – DOI: 10.23791/450410 - Max Quanchi
Learning-by-looking: For example, at Peoples of all Nations; European education and serial encyclopaedia – DOI: 10.23791/451116 - Luzile Satur
Typhoon Washi/Sendong and disputations between urban poor and city government in Cagayan de Oro, Philippines – DOI: 10.23791/451720 - Steve Harrison
Essay: city on steroids - Britta Schmitz
PG Book review: asia street food - Michael Waibel
PG Book Hint: Hà Noi: Capital City