Cover Pic: Street vendor and customer, District 8 of Ho Chi Minh City / Vietnam. © Astrid Schulz 2013
The street vendor Nuong is 33 years old and has been working in Ho Chi Minh City for three years. She sends most of the money she makes to her family back home. She makes around 100.000 Vietnamese Dong a day in contrast to the 40.000 she would receive in her home town. Nuong is not planning to stay in Ho Chi Minh City forever. She is well aware that she cannot continue to afford living here. For the time being Nuong rents a bed in shared accommodation.
Managing editors of issue PG#41: Michael Waibel & Julia Albrecht
- Matthias Kowasch & Peter Lindenmann
New flags, upward forces and sheltered harbours: The new ‘Great Game’ in the Pacific Islands region - Patrick Leinenkugel, Natascha Oppelt, Claudia Kuenzer
A new land cover map for the Mekong: Southeast Asia’s largest transboundary river basin - Alix Valenti
Building states without building nations: understanding urban citizenship in Dili, Timor Leste - Jonas Hein & Heiko Faust
Conservation, REDD+ and the struggle for land in Jambi, Indonesia - Cosima Werner
Green Open Spaces in Indonesian cities: schisms between law and practice green governance - Michael Waibel & Henning Hilbert
PG Book Hint: TP. Ho Chi Minh: MEGA City Photo Book